Micro processor Lab Manual / Convert BCD to their ASCII equivalent

Program Name

Write a Assembly Language Program for Convert BCD to their ASCII equivalent.
Instruction Mnemonic Operand Comments
LDI 8100 Load contents of 8100 to Accumulator
ANI 0FH Perform AND operation of input with ‘0F’
ADI 30H Add immediately 30H to the above result
STA 8300 Store result at 8300
LDA 8100 Load contents of 8100 to Accumulator
ANI F0H Perform AND operation of input with ‘F0’
RRC Rotate Right through carry
RRC Rotate Right through carry
RRC Rotate Right through carry
RRC Rotate Right through carry
ADI 30H Add immediately 30H to the above result
STA 8301 Store result at 8301
HLT Stop
Program Code

Online compiler for 8085 Microprocess Compiler

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