Astrology / Zodiac Sign Based On Birth DateHindu Astrology Signs By Date Of BirthPeople use Astrology for their future predictions which are based on sun signs. Sun signs It forecasts person's future. It is important and influential planet in astrology impacting the life in all perspectives of a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not. Astrology is divided the universe into 12 parts and each called with a unique name (Start from Aries and ends with Pisces). Individual sun sign depends on 12 parts the sun where it is located at the time of their birth. I.E Sun signs forecast of a person's future based on the relative positions of the stars and planets at the time of that person's birth. Hindu astrology signs Here position of the sun is measured in two ways. They were
The difference is fixed and varying points Vedic astrological zodiac signs and the sun signs or date of birth in both the system. Point of orientation difference between the 2 systems is called as Ayanamsa.
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