Group Discussion / Group Discussion Overview

It is a group of individuals gathered formally / informally to share a interest /discuss ideas, solve a problem. Normally group Discussion is conducted by the companies for the candidates to identify and get good candidates with desired skills in them to employee in their company.

Group Discussion Outline

Group Discussion It is a group of individuals gathered formally / informally to share a interest /discuss ideas, solve problems, or make comments
Conducted By Companies
Purpose Conducted by the companies to recruit Individual candidates with desired skills in the company.
GD Thinking Time for Candidates 10-20 Minutes
Leading a Discussion Introducing yourself to others, stating discussion purpose, inviting / supporting others in the discussion, summarizing and finalizing the discussion, Thanking other members in the group for their contribution.
Strategies For Improving GD Skills Participate, Observe, Practice
Companies Identified Skills List Initiative ness, Flexibility, Creativity, Communication skills, Thinking Ability of Individual, Interpersonal Skills, Leadership Qualities, Motivational Skills, Team Building Quality, Logical Skills, Reasoning ability, listening skills , problem solving ability, confidence levels
Do's Speak politely, respect the group members,think and contributionfor answer, maintain proper body language
Don't Avoid Short temper, Shouting and Interrupting in the middle on other candidates

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