Astrology / Vimshottari Dasa SystemIt is based on Moons position at the birth time in a specific nakshatra and is proposed by Sage Parashara. A planet gets Show benefits or draw backs based on the sign it got is placed and benefits or draw backs are shown for a particular period of time. Any planets rulership period at birth time depends on nakshatra ruled by the planet.Vimshottari means 120 in sanskrit Dasa system contains = 120 years. Each planet has a certain years. 1 Dasa divided into 9 unequal parts per 9 Planet = 1 Pukthi. 1 Pukthi divided into 9 parts per 9 Planet = 1 Anthra. Planets Rulership Sequence
Note Based on birth star/nakshatra every one’s dasa will start. i.e every one’s dasa will not start with Ketu it may start with any planet. |