Computer System Full Forms / Video Files

Video file consists of sounds and video and it will have extension like .h264, 3g2, 3gp, asf, asx, avi, divx, flv, m4v, mkv, mov, mp4, mpeg /.mpg or .mpeg.

File Extension Abbreviation
.h264 H.264 video File
3g2 3GPP2 Multimedia File
3gp 3GPP Multimedia File
asf Advanced Systems Format
asx Microsoft ASF Redirector File
avi Audio Video Interleave File
divx Digital Video Express
flv Flash Video File
m4v iTunes Video File
mkv Matroska Multimedia Container
mov Apple QuickTime Movie
mp4 MPEG-4 Video File
mpeg /.mpg or .mpeg Moving Picture Experts Group
mpg MPEG Video File
rm Real Media File
srt SubRip Subtitle File
swf ShockWave Format
vob DVD Video Object File
wmv Windows Media Video

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