Micro processor Lab Manual / Decimal subtraction of two 8-bit numbers

Program Name

Write a Assembly Language Program for Decimal subtraction of two 8-bit numbers.
Instruction Mnemonic Operand Comments
LDA 8100 load the first i/p from 8100 to Accumulator
MOV B,A move the content of accumulator to reg.B
MVI A,99H Move immediately 99H to accumulator (largest two digit decimal number )
SUB B subtract from the accumulator, the contents of reg.B to get the 9's complement
INR A increment the content of accumulator to get 10's complement
(Add 1 to 9’s complement to get 10’s complement)
MOV C,A move accumulator contents into reg.C
LDA 8101 load the second i/p of sub into accumulator through memory 8101
ADD C add the contents of accumulator
(-ve number ) with reg.C
DAA decimal adjust after addition
convert the content of accumulator into decimal format after addtion
STA 8102 store the result(content of accumulator) at 8102
HLT stop
Program Code

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