C Language / Structures and Unions

It is used to group different data types into a single data type. i.e user defined data type.

Structure Syntax
struct structureName / Tag Name
dataType member1;
dataType member2;

Structure members are accessed using dot (.) operator.

Create emp structure with 3 members (name, dept and salary), initialize and print. Output


struct emp
char name[25];
char dept[10];
int salary;

int main()
struct emp strobj;
strobj.salary = 99999;
strcpy(strobj.name, "Wisdom Materials");
strcpy(strobj.dept, "Software");

printf("Employee Details\n");
printf("Employee Name: %s\n", strobj.name);
printf("Employee Department: %s\n", strobj.dept);
printf("Employee Salary: %d\n", strobj.salary);

Employee Details
Employee Name: Wisdom Materials
Employee Department: Software
Employee Salary: 99999<
structure object= Strobj
structure members= name, dept and salary

Structure pointer
For a Structure we create a pointer called as Structure pointer. Structure pointer accesses members using arrow (->) operator.

Program Output


struct emp
char name[25];
char dept[10];
int salary;

void main()
struct emp strobj;
struct emp *strptr= &strobj;
strobj.salary = 99999;
strcpy(strobj.name, "Wisdom Materials");
strcpy(strobj.dept, "Software");
// Accessing structure members using structure pointer
printf("Employee Details\n");
printf("Employee Name: %s\n", strptr->name);
printf("Employee Department: %s\n", strptr->dept);
printf("Employee Salary: %d\n", strptr->salary);

Employee Details
Employee Name: Wisdom Materials
Employee Department: Software
Employee Salary: 99999

structure object= Strobj
structure members= name, dept and salary
structure pointer = strptr

Structures are similar to unions in terms of operation and keyword differs.

Structures Union
Each member has assigned unique storage area of location. All members share same storage area of location.
All members can be accessed at a time. Individual members can be accessed at a time.

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