Enhance Your Business With Us / Seo Packages for Your Business

Seo Plans Keywords Price / month
Starter Plan 5 50
Advanced Plan 20 100
Enterprise Plan 40 200

we assist you to grow or to increase the traffic to your website using the concepts below.
S.No Topic Name
1 Web Site Analysis
2 Duplicate Content Checker
3 Competitor Analysis
4 Keyword Analysis
5 Rank Checker ( India and world)
6 Keyword URL Mapping
7 Broken Link Checker
8 Google Penalty Checking
9 Data standardization (Canonicalization)
10 Optimization of Header, body and footer Tags
11 Structured content writing
12 Page content optimization
13 Creation and management of robots.txt file
14 Creation and management of sitemap (sitemap.xml)
15 Creation of XML, HTML Site Map
16 Using Google Analytics Tools with tracking
17 Using Google Webmaster Tools
18 Using Bing Webmaster Tools
19 Site map submission to all Search Engines
20 Page speed optimization
21 Web page content creation ideas
22 Optimization of page title & meta tags
23 Optimization of Image & Hyperlink tags
24 Website Traffic analysis and management
25 Checking of Header Status, Meta Robots, Google Cache of Pages
26 Check Mobility Issues
27 Identifying Error generating pages (404 Page Error)
28 structure of URL (Separated by underscore other symbol)
29 Implementation of Bread Crum navigation
30 Pagination concept Implementing for web site
31 External Links Implementing No Follow concept.
32 Tags completion checking (Start tag should have end tag).
33 Google My Business account creation and management.
34 Business Directory list (local / Global)
35 Customer submitting Reviews
36 Footer space optimization using Contact Address, copy right protected things.
37 Google Map Embed tag
38 Blog creation, management, Submission, Promotion and Commenting
39 Guest Blog Writing and Posting
40 Classifieds Writing and Submissions
41 Articles Writing, Submission and Promotion
42 PDF/Doc / PPT Creation, Submission and Promotion
43 Press Release Writing, Promotion and Submission
44 Infographic Creations, Promotion and Distribution
45 Company Profile Listing
46 Social Bookmarking
47 Video / Image Promotion and Submissions.
48 Questions and Answers Submissions
49 Support Phone / Email / Chat
50 Directory Posting
51 Mobile and desktop compatability issues of a web site
52 Project Management Tool Tracking

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