English / Sentence Classification Based on Structure

It consists of 1 independent / main clause or more independent and dependent/ subordinate clauses.

Types of Sentences
Sentences are classified into 4 types based on number of clauses.

S.No Sentence Clause Independent ClauseDependent Subject Verb conjunctions
1 Simple 1 no yes yes no
2 Compound 2 / more no yes yes no
3 Complex 1 no yes yes yes
4 Compound Complex 2 1/ more yes yes no

Simple Sentence
It consists ofonly one independent clausecontaining a subject and a verb, no dependent clause and it expresses our complete idea / thought.

1. They are sleeping. 2. I bought a book.

Compound Sentence
It consists ofatleast two independent clausesjoined by coordinating conjunctions with no dependent clause. The coordinating conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) join independent clauses.Independent clauses can join by asemicolon(;). A comma (,) may or may not be used before the conjunction in compound sentence.

I like an applebutmy friend likes a banana.
I helped himandhe became happy.

Complex Sentence
It consists of begins with 1independent clause and at least one dependent clausejoined by subordinating conjunction / relative pronoun (who, that, which, etc) and comma is not used between clauses.

I met the boywho had helped me.
You can’t pass the testunless you study for it.

Subordinating Conjunctions
Whatever, although, before, than, when, as, if, though, after, because, so that, whenever, as if, in order that, till, where, as long as, as though, since, until, while, provided, unless, wherever

Compound Complex Sentence
It consists ofat least 2 independents and 1 / more dependent clauses.

1. He went to room and I went to a book shopwhere I bought a book.
2. I like biryani but my friend likes Tiffin because he likes the Tiffin’s.

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