Research Methodology \ Reseaarch Results and Ethics

It consists of sub topics like

1. Environmental impacts 2. Ethical Issues 3. Ethical Committees
4. Commercialization 5. Copy rights 6. royalty
7. Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Law 8. Trade related aspects of Intellectual Property Rights 9. Reproduction of Published material
10. Plagiarism. 11. Citation and acknowledgement 12. Reproducibility and accountability

Environmental impacts
1. Teaching faculty 2. Mentor, advisor. 3. graduate students
4. Family 5. Religious beliefs. 6. Non Teaching staff.
7. Professional organizations. 8. Learning Ethical Courses in the study. 9. Friends

Plagiarism is passing off another person’s work(reusing text, results / referencing the original author / publication.) as one’s own.

Ethical Issues
Honesty and Integrity Honesty Applied To: methods (what you did), data and results of yours.
Objectivity: It is the Quality of reseach depends on researcher attitiude.
Carefulness: Avoid careless mistakes in your research .
Openness: share your data and results and never plagiarise.
Confidentiality: Follow guidelines on patient records.
Responsible Publication: publish anything New not old.
Legality: Aware of laws and regulations that govern your work.
Animal Care: Respect and care animals when using for research.
Human Subjects Protection:Reduce harm and maximise benefits for people while using people for research.

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