Research Methodology \ Reseaarch Results and EthicsIt consists of sub topics like
Environmental impacts
Plagiarism is passing off another person’s work(reusing text, results / referencing the original author / publication.) as one’s own. Ethical Issues Honesty and Integrity Honesty Applied To: methods (what you did), data and results of yours. Objectivity: It is the Quality of reseach depends on researcher attitiude. Carefulness: Avoid careless mistakes in your research . Openness: share your data and results and never plagiarise. Confidentiality: Follow guidelines on patient records. Responsible Publication: publish anything New not old. Legality: Aware of laws and regulations that govern your work. Animal Care: Respect and care animals when using for research. Human Subjects Protection:Reduce harm and maximise benefits for people while using people for research. |
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