FullForms / Programming Full Forms List

S.No Acronym Full Form
1 AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
2 API Application Programming Interface
3 APK Android Application Package
4 ASP Active Server Page
5 ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
6 ATA Advanced Technology Attachment & Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment
7 BASIC Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
8 BIOS Basic Input Output System
9 CNC Computerized Numerical Control
10 CPU Central Processing Unit
11 DNS Domain Name System
12 DTP Desk-Top Publishing, Distributed Transaction Processing
13 EJB Enterprise Java Bean
14 ICT Information and Communications Technology
15 ITES Information Technology Enabled Services
16 IT Information Technology
17 HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
18 HTTP Hyper Text Transfer protocol
19 JPG Joint Photographic Experts Group
20 MMS Multimedia Messaging Service
21 PDF Portable Document Format
22 PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (earlier called, Personal Home Page)
23 RIP Rest In Peace, Routing Information Protocol
24 RSS Really Simple Syndication, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
25 SEO Search Engine Optimization
26 SIM Subscriber Identity Module
27 SMS Short Message Service
28 SQL Structured Query Language
29 URL Uniform Resource Locator
30 USB Universal Serial Bus
31 VIRUS Vital Information Resources Under Seize
32 WIFI Wireless Fidelity
33 WWW World Wide Web
34 XML eXtensible Markup Language
35 XMPP Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol
36 COBOL Common B usiness O riented L anguage
37 BASIC Beginners A ll-purpose S ymbolic I nstruction C ode
38 FORTRAN FORmula TRAN slation
39 ALGOL ALGOrithmic L anguage
40 PROLOG PROgramming in LOG ic
41 HTML Hyper T ext Markup L
42 XML eXtensible Markup L anguage
43 CSS Cascading S tyle Sheet
44 JS Java Script
45 PHP Hypertext P re processor
46 VBS Visual B asic Scripting Language
47 ASP Active S erver Pages
48 JSP Java Server Pages
49 AJAX Asynchronous J avaScript A nd XML
50 PERL Practical E xtraction and R eporting L anguage
51 LISP LISt Processing
52 J2EE Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition
53 SQL Structured Q uery L
54 XSL EXtensible S tylesheet L anguage

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