Cloud Computing / Portability and Interoperability Issues in Cloud computing

Cloud Portability

Cloud Portability is the ability to transfer data from one cloud service to another without losing data.

Cloud Platform1--------------Transfer Data (Cloud Portability)--------------Cloud Platform1

Cloud Portability Issues

Cloud Portability Issue Details
Customer Data Retrieval After the Portability the customer data should be easily retrieve from destination cloud.
platforms Synchronization The source cloud and destination cloud platforms must be Synchronized so that without any glitches so that from the destination cloud the data can be sent, retrieved.

Portability Types

Portability Type Details
Data Portability Moving of data from one cloud platform to other
Application Portability It tells us that developed applications should run in any platform irrespective language used for development of application.
Platform Portability It tells us that developed applications should run in any platform irrespective platform used.

Cloud Portability Reasons by Customers

1. Increased Hosting cost.
2. Improve Quality of the service to meet SLAs.
3. Frequent changes to the services being offered, without prior warning or notice.
4. Security reasons.
6. Longer downtimes.


Interoperability is the capability of the system’s components (Hardware, Software) to work in a new environment. System’s components must synchronize to achieve interoperability.

Cloud System Components

Cloud System Components Example
Hardware Operating systems (windows, Linux, mac e.t.c)
Storage Software (Application frameworks, middleware, libraries, applications)

Interoperability Types

Application Interoperability It is between the components of an application deployed on the system. It is achieved by using platform interoperability.
Platform Interoperability It is between the different components of the platform deployed on the system.
Management Interoperability It is between Cloud services (SaaS, PaaS or IaaS) and applications related to self-service.
Publication and Acquisition Interoperability It is between different platforms (PaaS services and online marketplaces).

Portability and Interoperability Challenges and Factors

Cost Less / more based on Cloud service providers and their ROI
Mobility Degree of Mobility of your data.
Interoperability It is the capability of the system’s components (Hardware, Software) to work in a new environment. System’s components must synchronize to achieve interoperability.
Privacy and Security It is concerned with customer data / not.
Monitoring and Audit SLA’s are met at every step with ensuring zero downtime.

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