MatLab Manual / Mathematical Functions Matlab Program

Program Name

Write a Matlab Program for Mathematical Functions Matlab Program.
Matlab Mathematical fuctions are Exponential, Power, Square root , Natural logarithmic, Logarithmic ,
Remainder , sign , ceil , floor , round.
PI is a constant
Program Code

Input and Output:

Exponential value (10) = 2.71828
Power value (2^3) = 8
Square root value (9) = 3
Natural logarithmic value(9) = 2.19722
Logarithmic value (10) = 1
Remainder value (4,2) = 0
sign value (-5) = -1
ceil value (5.6) = 6
floor value (5.6) = 5
round value (5.6) = 6
pi value = 3.14159
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