English / Letters

Letter is a written, typed, or printed communication, sent in an envelope by post or messenger.
It is a written, typed, or printed communication, sent in an envelope by post or messenger.

Types of Letters
Letters are classified into 2 types. They were

Types of Letters Details
Formal Letter These are business letters / letters to authorities which come into this category etc and will strictly follow formalities or rules and are professional. Examples Business Letter, Official Letter,
Informal Letter These are personal letters which are written to friends, acquaintances, relatives etc and will not stick to any formalities or rules. Examples Social Letter, Circular Letter, Employment Letters, leave Letter e.t.c

Sample Letters
S.No View The Letter
1 Complaint Letter
2 Leave letter
3 Resign Letter
4 Experience Certificate format
5 Internship Completion Letter
Course Completion Letter

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