Health / Human Mind PowersHuman mind consists of 3 powers.They were Conscious Mind,Subconscious Mind and Unconscious Mind.Conscious Mind It is the part/state of mind with a built-in sense of what's right and what's wrong. Subconscious Mind It is the part/state of mind of your mind which operates without your awareness and over which you do not have active control. Unconscious Mind It is the part/state of mind of your which occur automatically and are not available for the examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes, and include thought processes, memories, interests, and motivations Freud’s defined the percentage of mind usage at 3 different levels.3 levels (conscious, subconscious and unconscious). Conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind work together to create our reality. Preconscious is also known as subconscious mind. Freud’s Way Of Human Mind Usage At Levels
Human Mind Levels
Note 1. Subconscious mind is more powerful then conscious mind. 2. 95 % decisions are taken by the Subconscious mind only. 3. So try to control the subconscious mind to acquire whatever you want to do. Home Back |