Computer System Full Forms / Font Files

Font File are display differnt fonts and it will have extension like .abf, .afm, .bdf, .bmf, .brfnt, .fnt, .fon, .mgf, .otf, .pcf, .pfa, .pfb, .pfm, .afm, .fond, .sfd, .snf, .tdf, .tfm, .ttf (.ttf, .ttc), .ufo,.woff.

File Extension Abbreviation
.abf Adobe Binary Screen Font
.afm Adobe Font Metrics
.bdf Bitmap Distribution Format
.bmf ByteMap Font Format
.brfnt Binary Revolution Font Format
.fnt Bitmapped Font
.fon Microsoft Windows Bitmapped Font
.mgf MicroGrafx Font
.otf OpenType Font
.pcf Portable Compiled Format
.pfa Printer Font ASCII
.pfb Adobe Printer Font Binary
.pfm Adobe< Printer Font Metrics
.afm Adobe Font Metrics
.fond Mac OS Font Description resource
.sfd FontForge spline font database Font
.snf Server Normal Format
.tdf TheDraw Font
.tfm TeX font metric
.ttf (.ttf, .ttc) TrueType Font
.ufo Unified Font Object
.woff Web Open Font Format

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