Data Structures Lab Manual / Data Structures Stack C Program

Program Name: Write a C Program for Linear Seach in Data Structures
Stack is a data structure which flows first in last out to store the elements. Stack
has 4 operations. They were Push (Adds New elements to stack), Pop (removes elements
from stack), Overflow (Indicates number of elements in the stack exceeds) and 
Underflow (Indicates no more element to pop).
Program Code

Stack Operations Using Array
 Enter Stack[MAX=20] size: 5

 Enter the Choice: 
 1.PUSH 	 2.POP 	 3.DISPLAY 	 4.EXIT 
Enter a value to be pushed into Stack:9

 Enter the Choice: 
 1.PUSH 	 2.POP 	 3.DISPLAY 	 4.EXIT 

	 Elements popped are 9
 Enter the Choice: 
 1.PUSH 	 2.POP 	 3.DISPLAY 	 4.EXIT 

stack is Empty
 Enter the Choice: 
 1.PUSH 	 2.POP 	 3.DISPLAY 	 4.EXIT 

Stack Operations Using Array
 Enter Stack[MAX=20] size: 5

 Enter the Choice: 
 1.PUSH 	 2.POP 	 3.DISPLAY 	 4.EXIT 
Enter a value to be pushed into Stack:9

 Enter the Choice: 
 1.PUSH 	 2.POP 	 3.DISPLAY 	 4.EXIT 

	 Elements popped are 9
 Enter the Choice: 
 1.PUSH 	 2.POP 	 3.DISPLAY 	 4.EXIT 

stack is Empty
 Enter the Choice: 
 1.PUSH 	 2.POP 	 3.DISPLAY 	 4.EXIT 

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