General Knowledge / List Of Core Industries

Core industry can be defined as the main industry. In most countries, there is a particular industry that seems to be the backbone of all other industries and that qualifies to be the core industry.

The Eight Core Industries comprise nearly 38 % of the weight of items included in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP).

S. No Core Industries
1 Coal production (weight: 4.38 %)
2 Crude Oil production (weight: 5.22 %)
3 The Natural Gas production (weight: 1.71 %)
4 Petroleum Refinery production (weight: 5.94%)
5 Fertilizer production (weight: 1.25%)
6 Steel production (weight: 6.68%)
7 Cement production (weight: 2.41%)
8 Electricity generation (weight: 10.32%)

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