Cloud Computing / Content Delivery Network of Cloud Computing

Definition Content Delivery Network is a collection of network of web servers distributed geographically / Points of Presence(PoP).
Traditional Method Storing content on a single central server.
Purpose Faster content delivery.
Replication Data is replicated across all the servers in the internet using CDN.
Data Access User access the data stored closest to him
Content Loading Speed CDN =Fast, Traditional Method = slow. i.e long distance between two objects in communication takes more time.
Storing Efficiency More in CDN compare to Traditional Method.
Content Distribution Done to all geographically distributed data centers
Content Delivery Speed Depends on Location (user is far to server takes more time to retrieve the content otherwise less)
Example Cloud CDN Cedexis by Citrix used by Google

Cloud CDN

Content Provider Organization of Content delivery network.
Authorization It is done by Content Provider to deliver content using CDN.
Reporting CDN provider gives the performance analytics to content provider to evaluate CDN Provider’s service quality.
Source Content Provider sends a copy of content
Content It is a digital information created for distribution
Request user requests the Content Provider to view / store data
Deliver CDN delivers the content to user
User User is a entity requests data from the Content Provider.

CDN architectures key components

Origin nodes Data / content is pushed / pulled to origin nodes / servers and stored in Edge nodes for delivery / storage.
Control nodes These are used for management, routing, monitoring and security tools.
Delivery nodes These are used by user are used receive or pull data from storage nodes.
Storage nodes Storage nodes for better latency and lower demand on the origin servers.

CDN Benefits

Costs / pricing For HTTP/HTTP(S), band width are reduced
load times improved
global availability of the content Increased
CDN Nodes deployed at in multiple locations
Latency It is the delay between a user's action and a web application's response. It is reduced.

Types of content
Content Type Details
Dynamic content Web server generates the content by the using programming languages (php, ruby or java).
Static content Content is not generated and dont change. Examples Images, CSS, and JavaScript, etc.
Streaming content These are videos / audio files played using web browser.

Key features

For Architects Global distribution with anycast IP
For Developers Optimized site performance using HTTP/2 and QUIC.
For Administrators CDN is integrated with Stackdriver to provide latency metrics, HTTP request logs for analysis.

Cloud CDN with HTTP(S) load balancing
Cloud CDN is configured with HTTP(S) load balancer (provides IP addresses and ports numbers for requests) and GKE to deliver content to your users.

using Cloud CDN with HTTP(S) load balancing

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