FullForms / Companies Full Forms List

S.No Acronym Full Form
1 ABC American Broadcasting Company
2 ACC Associated Cement Companies
3 Accenture Derived from ”Accent on the future”
4 Acer sharp, acute, able and facile” in Latin
5 ACS Affiliated Computer Services
6 ADB Advanced Digital Broadcast
7 Adidas Adolf Dassler (Adi was short name of Adolf)
8 ADL Arthur D. Little
9 ADL Arctic Digital Ltd
10 Adobe From the Adobe Creek that ran behind the house of co-founder John Warnock.
11 AGS Australian Government Solicitor
12 AID All Interactive Distribution
13 AIRD Associates for International Resources and Development
14 Akai From the named for its founder, Saburo Akai.
15 ALCO American Locomotive Company
16 Alcoa Aluminum Company of America
17 Amazon Bezos wanted a name for his company that began with “A” and he took the name Amazon
18 AMD Advanced Micro Devices
19 AmEx American Express
20 AMUL Anand Milk Union Limited
21 AOL America Online
22 APC American Power Conversion
23 APCPDCL Andhra Pradesh Central Power Distribution Company Limited
24 APS Arizona Public Service
25 Asus Named after Pegasus, the winged horse of Greek mythology.
26 AT & T American Telephone and Telegraph Company
27 ATI Array Technologies Incorporated
28 Audi From the surname of the founder August Horch (Audi, in Latin)
29 BALCO Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative
30 BALCO Bharat Aluminium Company
31 BCCI The Bahrain Chamber of Commerce & Industry
32 BCG Boston Consulting Group
33 BENQ Bringing Enjoyment N Quality
34 BHEL Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
35 BHFL Birla Home Finance Limited
36 BHFL Barrett Hussey Financial Limited
37 BHW Bell & Howell Company
38 Blaupunkt Blaupunkt in German means “ Blue dot ”
39 BMW Bayerische Motoren Werke
40 Boeing Named after founder William E. Boeing.
41 Bosch Named after founder Robert Bosch
42 Bose Named after its founder Amar G. Bose
43 BP British Petroleum
44 BPL British Physical Laboratories
45 Bridgestone Named after founder Shojiro Ishibashi. Ishibashi means “stone bridge”
46 BSA Birmingham Small Arms Company
47 BSNL Bharat Sanchaar Nigam Limited
48 BT British Telecommunications
49 Buick Named for its founder, David Dunbar Buick
50 Bull Named after its founder, Fredrik Rosing Bull
51 Bultaco From the name of its founder, Paco Bultó.
52 CAL Copyright Agency Limited
53 Canon Derived from the name of the company’s first camera, the Kwanon
54 CARE Credit Analysis & Research Limited
55 Casio From the name of its founder, Kashio Tadao
56 CCE Coca-Cola Enterprises
57 CEAT Cavi Elettrici e Affini Torino (Electrical Cables and Allied Products of Turin)
58 CERN Cerner Corporation
59 CGL Crompton Greaves Limited
60 Chevrolet Named after company co-founder Louis Chevrolet
61 Chrysler Named after the company founder, Walter P. Chrysler
62 Cipla Chemical, Industrial & Pharmaceutical Laboratories
63 Cisco Short for San Francisco
64 CNBC China National Biotech Corporation
65 CNBC Consumer News and Business Channel
66 CNN Cable News Network
67 Coca-Cola Derived from the coca leaves and kola nuts used as flavoring
68 Compaq Compatibility and Quality
69 Corel Cowpland Research Laboratory
70 Cray Named after its founder, Seymour Cray.
71 CTS Cognizant Technology Solutions
72 CV Convair
73 CWT Carlson Wagonlit Travel
74 Daewoo Means Great Universe in korean
75 DCP Disney Consumer Products
76 Dell Named after its founder, Michael Dell
77 DHL Named after its founders, Adrian ‘D’alsey, Larry ‘H’illblom, and Robert ‘L’ynn
78 Digg From “ Diggnation ”
79 DLF Delhi Lease & Finance
80 DLF Delhi Land & Finance
81 DMG Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (Daimler Motors Corporation)
82 DMG Demon Music Group
83 DML Devonport Management Limited
84 DOCOMO Do Communication Over Mobile Network
85 DPEP Delta Private Equity Partners
86 DTDC Desk to Desk Courier & Cargo
87 Ducati From the family name of the founders “Ducati”
88 EA Electronic Arts
89 Ebay Echo Bay
90 EDGW Edgewater Technology
91 EDO From the name of its founder, Earl Dodge Osborn
92 EEG Emperor Entertainment Group
93 EETC Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company
94 Epson Named from “Son of Electronic Printer”
95 Ericsson Named after its founder Lars Magnus Ericsson
96 ESIC EasyLink Services International Corporation
97 ESPN Entertainment and Sports Programming Network
98 Esso The enunciation of the initials S.O. in Standard Oil of New Jersey
99 ETC Electronic Theatre Controls
100 Exide Excellent Oxide
101 Fazer Named after its founder, Karl Fazer.
102 FedEx Federal Express
103 Ferrari From the name of its founder, Enzo Ferrari.
104 FIAT Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino
105 FIC First International Computer
106 Fluke Named after its founder, John Fluke, Sr.
107 FMG Fortescue Metals Group
108 Ford Named after its founder, Henry Ford
109 Fuji Named after Mount Fuji, the highest mountain in Japan.
110 Garmin Named after its founders, Gary Burrell and Dr. Min Kao.
111 GFI Game Factory Interactive
112 GM General Motors
113 GmbH Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (Limited Liability Company)
114 GSFC Gujarat Stare Fertilizers and Chemicals
115 HAL Home Automated Living
116 Harley-Davidson From the name of its founders William S. Harley ,Arthur and Walter Davidson
117 HCL Hindustan computer limited
118 Hitachi Old place name, literally “ sunrise”
119 HMT Hindustan Machine Tools
120 Honda From the name of its founder, Soichiro Honda.
121 Honeywell From the name of Mark Honeywell, founder of Honeywell Heating Specialty Co
122 Hotmail “HoTMaiL” included the letters HTML
123 HP Hewlett Packard
124 HSBC Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
125 HSC Harsco Corporation
126 HTC High Tech Computer Corporation
127 Hyundai Connotes the sense of “the present age” or “modernity” in Korean.
128 IAB Interactive Advertising Bureau
129 IAG Insurance Australia Group
130 IBBM Institute of Bankers Malaysia
131 IBM International Business Machines
132 IBM International Business Machines
133 ICD Indian Creek Designs
134 ICE Iron Crown Enterprises
135 IFB Indian Fine Blanks
136 IFC International Finance Corporation
137 IFFCO Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited
138 IFSC International Financial Services Centre
139 IIAS International Internet Advertising Services
140 IKEA A composite of Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd.
141 IMDB Internet Movie Data Base
142 Infosys Information Systems
143 ING International Netherlands Group
144 INTEL Integrated Electronics
145 IPC Iraq Petroleum Company
146 IPTV Iowa Public Television
147 ITC Imperial Tobacco Company
148 ITI International Training Institute
149 JCB J C Bamford Excavators
150 JMI Japan Market Intelligence
151 JVC Japan Victor Company
152 Kawasaki From the name of its founder, Shozo Kawasaki
153 Kenworth Named after the two principal stockholders Harry Kent and Edgar Worthington.
154 KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken
155 KISCO Kudremukh Iron and Steel Company
156 KJC Kramer Junction Company
157 Kodak From the letter K, the favourte letter of Gorge Eastman (Founder)
158 Komatsu From the city of Komatsu, Ishikawa, where it was founded in 1917.
159 Korg Named from the surnames of the founders, Tsutomu Katoh and Tadashi Osanai, combined with the letters “rg” from the word organ
160 KT Korea Telecom
161 KTN Kenya Television Network
162 KUKA Germany as Keller Und Knappich Augsburg, it shortened its name to KUKA.
163 Kyocera From Kyoto Ceramics, after Kyoto in Japan.
164 L&T Larsen & Toubro Limited
165 Lenovo From the blend of two words “Le” and “novo”
166 Lexmark From Lexington Marketing.
167 LG Lucky Goldstar
168 LHB Linke Hofmann Busch
169 LML Lohia Machines Limited
170 LnT Larsen and Toubro
171 McDonalds From the name of the brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald, who founded the first McDonald’s
172 MDH Mahashian Di Hatti
173 MES Marconi Electronic Systems
174 MFIL Merger of Modern Food Industries Limited
175 MFIL Mahindra Ford India Limited
176 MG Morris Garages
177 Mitsubishi Mitsu means three and hishi (changing to bishi in the middle of the word) means diamond (the shape)
178 MMS Matra Marconi Space
179 MMTS Mechanical and Machine Tool Services
180 MNC Multinational Corporation
181 MNC Media Nusantara Citra
182 Motorola From Motor and Victrola - as originally they made car radios
183 MPCB Malaysia Pacific Corporation Berhad
184 MRF Madras Rubber Factory
185 MRF Madras Rubber Factory
186 MS MicroSoft
187 MSI Micro-Star International
188 MTR The Mavalli Tiffin Room
189 MTS Manitoba Telecom Services
190 MTS Mobile TeleSystems
191 Napster Named after Fanning’s hairstyle-based nickname
192 NDPL North Delhi Power Limited
193 NDTV New Delhi Television
194 NEC Nippon Electric Company
195 NEP Nationwide Express Parcels
196 NEP China North East Petroleum
197 Nero Nero Burning ROM named after Nero burning Rome
198 Nestle Named after its founder, Henri Nestlé
199 NIIT National Institute of Information Technology
200 Nike Named for the Greek goddess of victory
201 Nikon The original name was Nippon Kogaku, meaning “Japanese Optical”
202 Nintendo From nintendou, (nin) can be translated as to “entrusted”; ten-dou means “heaven”
203 Nissan The company was earlier known by the name Nippon Sangyo which means “Japan Industries”
204 Nokia From the finnish city of Nokia
205 NPCL Noida Power Company Limited
206 NSC Norfolk Southern Corporation
207 NSC Nihon Suido Consultants Co
208 OAB Oman Arab Bank
209 Onkyo Translates as “sound harmony”
210 OP Ocean Pacific
211 Oracle The name Oracle comes from the code name of a CIA project
212 Osram From osmium and wolfram
213 P & G Procter & Gamble
214 Peugeot Named after Emile Peugeot
215 PG Procter & Gamble
216 Philips From the name of the founders Gerard Philips and Anton Philips
217 Piaggio Named after founder Rinaldo Piaggio
218 Pixar From pixel and the co-founder’s name, Alvy Ray Smith
219 Porsche Named after founder Ferdinand Porsche
220 PSC Publishing Software Company
221 PVR Priya Village Roadshow
222 QGC Questar Gas Company
223 RAC Republic Aviation Corporation
224 RCA Radio Corporation of America
225 Red-Hat Founder Marc Ewing use to wear a red cap
226 Reebok Name comes from the Afrikaans spelling of rhebok, a type of African antelope
227 Renault Named after the founder Louis Renault
228 RIM Research In Motion
229 RmKV Rm.K.Viswanatha Pillai
230 Rolls-Royce From the surnames of the company founders, Henry Royce and Charles Rolls
231 RPSC Raytheon Polar Services Company
232 Samsonite Named from the Biblical character Samson, renowned for his strength
233 Samsung Meaning three stars in Korean
234 Sanyo Meaning three oceans in Japanese
235 Sennheiser Named after one of its founders, Fritz Sennheiser.
236 Sharp Company named from its first product, an ever-sharp pencil
237 Siemens From the name of the founders Werner von Siemens and Johann Georg Halske
238 SITA South African State Information Technology Agency
239 SKF Svenska Kullagerfabriken
240 Sony From the Latin word ‘sonus’ meaning sound
241 Sprint Southern Pacific Railroad Intelligent Network of Telecommunications.
242 SSC Swedish Space Corporation
243 STPI Singapore Tyler Print Institute
244 Suzuki From the name of its founder, Michio Suzuki
245 SVGA System Video Graphics Alliance
246 TAFE Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited
247 Tata Named after Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata
248 TCS TATA Consultancy Services
249 TDS Telephone and Data Systems, Inc.
250 TELCO TATA Engineering and Locomotive Company
251 Telco Telephone Company
252 TGT Tennessee Gas Transmission
253 TI Tube Investments
254 TI Texas Instruments
255 TISCO Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited
256 TM Telekom Malaysia
257 Toshiba Named from the merger of consumer goods company Tokyo Denki (Tokyo Electric Co) and electrical firm Shibaura Seisaku-sho
258 Toyota From the name of the founder, Sakichi Toyoda.
259 TPI Travel Professionals International
260 TSI Town Sports International
261 TVS Trichur Vengaram Sundaram
262 UGC Unipart Group of Companies
263 UPA United Productions of America
264 UPS United Parcel Service
265 Verizon A portmanteau of veritas (Latin for truth) and hor‘izon’
266 VIA Very Innovative Architecture
267 Viacom Video & Audio Communications
268 VIACOM Video & Audio Communications
269 VISA From the Latin word “charta visa” (verified paper, lit. “paper that has been seen”)
270 VLCC Vandana Luthra Curls and Curves
271 Vodafone Voice Data Telefone
272 Volkswagen From the German for people’s car
273 Volvo From the Latin word volvo, which means “ I roll ”
274 VSNL Videsh Sanchaar Nigam Limited
275 Wal-Mart Named after founder Sam Walton
276 WD Western Digital
277 WIPRO Western India Products Limited
278 WWE World Wrestling Entertainment
279 Xerox The name was taken from the term Xerography means “dry writing”
280 YAHOO Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle
281 Yamaha Named after the founder Torakusu Yamaha
282 ZMS Zhone Management System

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