CPP Language / Tokens, Identifiers & Keywords
Tokens in CPP Language
Each and every smallest individual unit in a CPP program are known as CPP tokens and considered as basic buildings blocks of CPP language.CPP tokens are of 6 types. They were
Tokens Type
These are the predefined words used for a particular purpose in the program.
Example: For, int, while e.t.c
It is a name used to identify a variable / function / any other thing defined by user and it starts with a letter A to Z, a to z, or an underscore '_' followed by letters, and digits (0 to 9) and punctuation characters not are allowed (Like @, $, and %) within identifiers. Identifiers are case sensitive i.e "SUM", "sum" are treated differently.
main, total e.t.c
Constants are fixed values they dont change during the execution of a program.
Constants Types in C++
Integer constants –store int data type values.
const int a = 10;
Floating constants – store float data type values.
const float b = 20.1234;
Character constants – store character data type value.
const char c = ‘w’;
String constants – store collection of character data type values.
const char d[] = ‘‘Wisdom Materials;
“sum”, “average”,”total”
Special symbols
Brackets[], Parentheses(), Braces{},
comma (, ), semi colon, asterick (*),
assignment operator, pre processor(#) |
Operator is symbol used to perform operation.
Types of Operators:
Arithmetic(+, -, *, /, %),
Relational(==, !=, >, <, >=,<=),
Logical(&&, ||, !),
Assignment(=, +=, -=, *=,/=, %=, <<=,>>=, &=, ^=,|=),
Bitwise,Ternary(<<, !=, >>, ~,&, ^, |)
keywords List in CPP language
do |
for |
float |
continue |
void |
else |
if |
switch |
struct |
enum |
register |
char |
typedef |
static |
return |
default |
const |
int |
short |
volatile |
while |
double |
break |
signed |
union |
long |
sizeof |
unsigned |
extern |
goto |
auto |
case |
typeid |
false |
catch |
new |
this |
delete |
try |
explicit |
export |
typename |
using |
inline |
asm |
namespace |
class |
throw |
private |
protected |
public |
true |
static_cast |
template |
const_cast |
operator |
reinterpret_cast |
dynamic_cast |
mutable |
bool |
friend |
virtual |
wchar_t |