FullForms / Biology Full Forms List

S.No Acronym Full Form
1 BPPI Biophysics of Proteins and Protein Interactions
2 AIDS Acquired immune deficiency Syndrome
3 BAC Bacterial Artificial Chromosome
4 BP Blood Pressure
5 DAP Diamine phosphate
6 DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid
7 GH Growth Hormone
8 HIV Human Immunodeficiency Viruses
9 IG Immunoglobulin
10 IUD Intrauterine devices
11 RTI Reproductive Tract Infection
12 RBC Red Blood Cell
13 WBC White Blood Cell
14 ABA absicic acid
15 ACTH adrino cartico trophic hormone
16 ADH anti diuretic hormone
17 AIDS acquired immune deficiency Syndrome
18 AMP adinosine  monophosphate
19 BCG bacillus calmelte guarine
20 CNS central nervous system
21 DAP diamine phosphate
22 DBP distolic blood pressure.
23 DCT distal convoluted Tubule
24 DDT dichloro diethyl trichloro ethane
25 DPD diffusion pressure deficiency
26 DPT diptheria Pertussis tetanus vaccine
27 ECG Electro cardio graph
28 EDTA ethlene diamine tetraacetic acid
29 C.T.SCAN C.T.Scan-compuerised tomography Scan
30 ELISA enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
31 EEG electroencephalograph
32 EMP PATHWAY embden and mayerhoff parnas
33 ERV(2005) expiratory reserve volume
34 ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
35 ETS electron transport system
36 FSH follicle stimulating hormone
37 G-6PD glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase
38 GFR glomerular filration rate
39 GHRF growth hormone releasing factor
40 HIV human deficiency hormone
41 HCG human chorionic gonadotropin
42 IAA Indole acetic acid
43 IBA Indole butyric acid
44 IUD intra-utirine divices
45 ICSH Interstitial cell stimulating hormone (LH)
46 IPM Integrated pest management
47 IUCD Intra uterine contraceptive device
48 IVF in vitro fertilization
49 LH Leutinizing hormone
50 LTH Lactotrophic hormone( Prolactin)
51 MET  Mass emission tomography
52 MRI  Magnetic resonance imaging
53 MSH Melanocytes stimulating hormone
54 NAA Napthalene acetic acid
55 NADP (2002) Nicotinamide dinucleotide phosphate
56 NCCP National cholera control program
57 NFCP National Filaria control program
58 NLCP National leprosy control program
59 NMEP National malaria eradication program
60 NSEP National Smallpox Eradication Programme 
61 OP Osmotic pressure
62 PEM Protein energy maltnutrition
63 PEP  Phosphoenol Pyruvic acid
64 PGA  Phosphoglyceric acid
65 PGAL Phosphoglyceraldehyde
66 PQ Plastoquinone
67 P-RH Prolactin releasing hormone
68 RAAS Renin angiotensin aldosterone system
69 RAS  Renin angiotensin system
70 RBC  Red Blood Corpuscles
71 RUBISCO Ribulose phosphate carboxylase oxygenase
72 RUBP Ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate
73 SAN Sino atrial node
74 SCID Severe combined immune deficiency
75 SDP  Short day plants
76 STH Somato trophic hormone
77 TCT  Thyrocalcitonin
78 VD Veneral diseases
79 WBC White blood corpuscles
80 PMC Pollen Mother Cell
81 MMC Megaspore Mother Cell
82 PEN Primary Endosperm Nucleus
83 PEC Primary Endosperm Cell
84 GNRH Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone
85 LH Luteinising Hormone
86 FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone
87 HPL Human placental lactogen
88 HCG Human chorionic gonadotropin
89 STDS Sexually Transmitted Diseases
90 RCH Reproductive and Child Health Care
91 MMR Maternal Mortality Rate
92 IMR Infant Mortality Rate
93 IUDS Intra Uterine Devices
94 MTP Medical Termination of Pregnancy
95 VD Venereal Diseases
96 RTI Reproductive Tract Infection
97 HIV Human Immunodeficiency virus
98 PID Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases
99 ART Assisted Reproductive Technologies
100 IVF In vitro Fertilization
101 ZIFT Zygote intra fallopian transfer
102 IUT Intra Uterine transfer
103 GIFT Gamete intra fallopian transfer
104 ICSI Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection
105 AI Artificial Insemination
106 IUI Intra uterine insemination
107 ET Embryo Transfer
108 CDRI Central Drug Research Institute
109 NHC PROTEIN Non-histone Chromosomal proteins
110 MRNA Messemger RNA
111 TRNA Transfer RNA
112 RRNA Ribosomal RNA
113 SN RNAS small nuclear RNAs
114 HN RNAS heterogenous nuclear RNA
115 UTR Untranslated Regions
116 HPG Human Genome Project
117 ESTS Expressed Sequence Tags
118 BAC Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes
119 YAC Yeast Artificial Chromosomes
120 SNPS Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
121 VNTR Variable Number of Tandem Repeats
122 PMNL Polymorpho nuclear leucocytes
123 CMI Cell mediated immunity
124 MALT Mucosal Associated Lymphoid Tissue
125 AIDS Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
126 HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
127 ELISA Enzyme Linked Immuno-sorbent Assay
128 NACO National AIDS Control Organisation
129 MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
130 CT Computed Tomography
131 MOET Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer Technology
132 SCP Single Cell Protein
133 LAB Lactic Acid Bacteria
134 BOD Biochemical/Biological Oxygen Demand
135 IARI Indian Agricultural Research Institute
136 KVIC Khadi and Village Industries Commission
137 EFB European Federation of Biotechnology
138 RE Restriction Enzymes
139 PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction
140 RNAI RNA interference
141 GMO Genetically Modified Organism
142 BT Bacillus thuringiensis
143 ADA Adenosine deaminase deficiency
144 CDNA complementary DNA
145 GEAC Genetic Engineering Approval Committee
146 GPP Gross Primary Productivity
147 NPP Net Primary Productivity
148 GFC Grazing Food Chain
149 DFC Detritus Food Chain
150 CPCB Central Pollution Control Board
151 DU Dobson unit
152 CFCS Chloroflurocarbons
153 JFM Joint Forest Management
154 4-NQO 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide
155 5′ SAGE: 5′ serial analysis of gene expression
156 8-OXODG 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine
157 AFB1 aflatoxin B1
158 AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
159 AIN1 anal intraepithelial neoplasia
160 ALT serum alanine aminotransferase
161 ANTI-HBC antibody to hepatitis B core antigen
162 ANTI-HBS antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen
163 ANTI-HCV antibodies to HCV
164 ASD Adult and Adolescent Spectrum of HIV Disease
165 ASR annual standardized ratio
166 ATASE O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase
167 ATL adult T-cell leukaemia
168 ATLL adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma
169 ATPASE adenosine triphosphatase
170 BABA blood group antigen binding adhesion
171 BLCA-4 a nuclear matrix protein involved in gene regulation and produced only in neoplastic bladder cells
172 BLV bovine leukaemia virus
173 BMI body mass index
174 BP base pairs
175 BRK baby-rat kidney
176 BTG1 B-cell translocation protein
177 C Core protein
178 CAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate
179 CCA cholangiocarcinoma
180 CCC DNA covalently closed circular
181 CDKIS cyclin-dependent kinase-inhibitors
182 CDKS cyclin-dependent kinases
183 CF/S complement-fixing soluble antigens
184 CI confidence interval
185 CLL/SLL chronic lymphocytic leukaemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma
186 CMV Cytomegalovirus
187 CRE cAMP-responsive element
188 CREB/ATF CRE-binding protein/activating transcription factor
189 CRYO-EM Cryo-Electron Microscopy
190 C. PYLORI Campylobacter pylori
191 C. SINENSIS Clonorchis sinensis
192 CTAR C-terminal activation region
193 CTL cytotoxic T lymphocyte
194 CTLS cytotoxic T cells
195 DDB1 UV-damaged DNA binding protein 1
196 DLBCL diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
197 DS dyad symmetry
198 E6AP E6-associated protein
199 E REGION early region
200 EAS early antigens
201 EBER EBV-encoded RNA
202 EBNA EBV nuclear antigens
203 EBV Epstein-Barr virus
204 ECM extracellular matrix
205 ΕDA 1,N6-ethenodeoxyadenosine
206 ΕDC 3,N4-etheno-2'-deoxycytidine
207 EGF epidermal growth factor
208 EGFR epidermal growth-factor receptor
209 EIAS enzyme immunoassays
210 ELISAS enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays
211 EMT epithelial-to-mesenchymal trans differentiation
212 ES excretory–secretory
213 EST Expressed Sequence Tag
214 EV epidermodysplasia verruciformis
215 FLIP FLICE (Caspase-8)-inhibitory protein
216 FR family of repeats
217 GAMMA-HV68 gammaherpesvirus 68
218 GLUT1 glucose transporter 1
219 GR glutathione reductase
220 GRE glucocorticoid responsive element
221 GST glutathione-S-transferase
222 HAART Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy
223 HAV hepatitis A virus
224 HBS hepatitis B surface proteins
225 HBV hepatitis B virus
226 HBEAG hepatitis B ‘e’ antigen
227 HBSAG hepatitis B surface antigen
228 HBX X protein

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